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Join the Journey of Awareness: The EURORDIS Photo Award 2024

EURORDIS Photo Award 2024 Competition

Celebrating Courage and Resilience in the Rare Disease Community 

Today, we're excited to share a special invitation from EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe, an exceptional non-profit alliance of over 1000 patient organizations across 74 countries. Their mission? To improve the lives of over 300 million individuals globally battling rare diseases. 

Rare Disease Day 2024: A Time of Commemoration and Recognition 

As we approach Rare Disease Day 2024, EURORDIS is also gearing up for the next Black Pearl Awards.  This prestigious event honors remarkable individuals, organizations, and companies making significant contributions to the rare disease community.  

The Power of Imagery: EURORDIS Photo Award 

To add to these celebrations, EURORDIS has launched this year’s Photo Award - an international photo contest that transcends boundaries of nationality, age, and disease. 

Why This Matters? 

As a respected voice in the rare disease community, we recognize the importance of these initiatives. The EURORDIS Photo Award isn't just a competition; it’s a platform to showcase the incredible stories and experiences of those living with rare diseases like complex lymphatic anomalies. Through powerful imagery, it brings to light the resilience, challenges, and inspiration found within the LGDA community

Your Role in Spreading Awareness 

We encourage you to take part and submit a meaningful photo of you or your loved one affected by complex lymphatic anomalies to support this meaningful contest. Sharing these stories can profoundly impact public awareness and understanding of rare diseases. Need some inspiration? Check out previous winners. 

Participate and Make a Difference 

Submissions are open until January 31st, 2024. Procedures of the EURORDIS Photo Award can be found here, as well as the Terms & Conditions.   Renowned photojournalist Marcus Bleasdale will select a shortlist, which will then be opened to public voting. The winners will be unveiled at the EURORDIS Black Pearl Awards Ceremony on February 20th, 2024, with the top three photos receiving spectacular prizes. 

How Can You Help? 

Your support is invaluable. By sharing the contest information and the associated links/posts on your social media channels and newsletters, you contribute significantly to this noble cause. Let’s join hands to highlight the lives and stories of those living with rare diseases. 

Together, we can make a difference, one photo at a time. This is more than a contest; it's a movement. Let's be part of it.