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2021 CLA Conference

Microfluidics and Lymphatics

J. Brandon Dixon, PhD – Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia, USA) 

Dr. Brandon Dixon is a Professor and Woodruff Faculty Fellow in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech, where since joining the faculty in 2009 he has established a research program focused on developing engineered approaches to understanding and treating diseases of the lymphatic system. Prior to coming to Georgia Tech, he was a post-doc at Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne in Switzerland. He received his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering in 2006 from Texas A&M University and his Bachelor’s degree from the same university in 2001.  His research has been funded by the NIH, NSF, DOD, Gates Foundation, the Georgia Research Alliance, the American Heart Association, and other private foundations. He is a recipient of the NSF Career Award and the NIH Pathway to Independence Award and is a Fellow in the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering. He is also a co-founder of LymphaTech, a start-up company focused on developing enabling technologies for assessing and managing clinical lymphedema

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