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2021 CLA Conference

Zebrafish Model of CCLA

Shoshana Greenberger, PhD – Sheba Medical Center (Israel)

Shoshana Greenberger presents on the preclinical Zebrafish model of kaposiform lymphangiomatosis About Our Presenter: Dr. Greenberger is the director of Pediatric Dermatology Service at Sheba Medical Center, Israel and an associate professor at Tel-Aviv University. Her interest in vascular biology and vascular anomalies goes back 20 years. However, her interest in CLA started a few years ago when she met a young and brave patient with KLA. The aggressiveness of the disease and the involvement of so many systems led her to wonder about its cause. Caring for patients with CLA is difficult because of the rarity of the disease and the multiple clinical disciplines that are needed in the team. Studying these anomalies, physicians face the obstacles of paucity of human samples of the different CLA disease, and receiving funding for a disease nobody ever heard of is challenging. Her greatest hope for the field is that collaboration between researchers will increase and cures will be found for these diseases. She hopes that her lab's work on Zebrafish models of CLA will enable fast and efficient screening of drugs and will expedite the discovery of new treatments. Dr. Greenberger's secret power is coffee!

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