Mail to
PO Box 723
Rockville, MD 20848 -
Establish a Donation PageJustGiving and Facebook are online platforms supporting peer to peer fundraising. You set the goal and tell a story about why you are fundraising for LGDA. https://www.justgiving.com/lymphangiomatosisgorhamsdiseaseallianceinc or https://www.facebook.com/fund/LGDAlliance/
Matching Gifts
Ask your employer if they have a matching gift program which can increase the value of your gift. Please check with your employers HR Department. The matching gift must be initiated by you once you have contributed to LGDA.
Donors are encouraged to make bequests to LGDA under their wills, and to name LGDA as the beneficiary under trusts, commercial annuities, insurance polices, and retirement plans.
In-kind Donations
In-kind donations include services, benefits, or privileges that offset the total value of cash and non-cash donations.
Stock & Securities
Making a gift of securities is both simple and tax efficient. Gifts of appreciated stock may allow a donor to avoid a capital gains tax in addition to receiving a charitable income tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock.
Donors should consult an attorney and/or tax advisor before donating.